⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "…I met Brett (Manager) of Harpoon Harry`s, as I was eating my Mahi tacos (*Freaking Delicious) at the bar when said text arrived. Not only is the food amazing, but he totally hooked us up with ice to start the show and a source for more to be delivered.
I made sure to return the favor, as karma prevailed, and the entire staff at Harpoon Harry`s deserve a major endorsement of service and fantastic food. Brett, anyway we can return the favor you know the door is always open. A very heartfelt thank you, and by all means we highly recommend Harpoon Harry`s Crab House! Total 5 star establishment because of the staff!!" Beaudon S.
Shout-out to Brett who saved the day! 🙌🙌 Service goes above and beyond at Harpoon Harry`s. We are always happy to help! #harpoonharrystampa